Guidelines for mentors (New-to-ISMIR track only)

Technical guidelines

As soon as you are notified of your assigned papers, please check all of them to make sure that: 1) the research topic is suitable for ISMIR 2) the authors’ names should not be anonymized (single-blind), and 3) the papers fit the ISMIR LBD format. Please notify the LBD chairs immediately if any of these issues arise. Due to the time limitations, please complete your assignments within the designated time frame.

Comments for the mentees

The goals of this mentoring process are: 1) provide junior/new researchers immediate feedback regarding their submissions, 2) provide them an opportunity to experience a light-weight review process from the community, and 3) help them improve their submissions and facilitate more effective discussions during the conference. To achieve these goals, we recommend you to consider the following dimensions while giving feedback:

  • Content:
    • Is this topic well-motivated?
    • Is the task well-defined?
    • While it is challenging to comment on the technical details given the limited length, it is still worthwhile to point out the strengths and the potential weaknesses of the presented work. Particularly, your comments regarding the missing details could help the mentees re-examine their work and include these details in their camera ready version and the final poster.
  • Presentation:
    • Is the idea/project clearly presented in the paper? Is the writing and the use of language appropriate? Are the figures/tables/equations well-formulated? Is the demo video (if any) self-explanatory?
    • Does the extended abstract have a clear structure with balanced sections? To further develop this submission into a full paper, what sections are still missing?
  • Other comments:
    • We welcome your general feedback/suggestions to the mentees, including (but not limited to) your thoughts on the potential extensions of their work, open questions to contemplate, and additional references and resources for their considerations.
    • We also encourage you to provide your thoughts/tips on how to effectively communicate the ideas and trigger meaningful conversations during the actual LBD poster session (e.g., visualization strategies of the results, section to focus on, etc.).

Ethical guidelines

For the ethical guidelines, please follow the review guidelines of ISMIR