Welcome to ISMIR21! The ISMIR conference is the world’s leading research forum on processing, searching, organising and accessing music-related data. The 22nd International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference will take place from Nov 7-12, 2021 in an online format.
Read our blog posts

Getting The Most out of the ISMIR Conference
For this year’s virtual ISMIR conference, we expect many first-time attendees, and coming to a new conference can be intimidating....

Diversity & Inclusion Initiatives at ISMIR2021
ismir2021-diversity@ismir.net The 22nd International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR2021) is excited to announce a number of Diversity &...

The Benefits of Joining the WiMIR Mentoring Pro...
The Women in Music Information Retrieval (WiMIR) mentoring program connects women students, postdocs, early-stage researchers, industry employees, and faculty to...

Inspiring Women in Science: An Interview with D...
Originally published at https://wimir.wordpress.com on February 19, 2021. Believing in the importance of shedding light on the stories of successful...

Inspiring Women in Science: An Interview with D...
Originally published at https://wimir.wordpress.com Why are women still so underrepresented in science? Female scientists represent only a third of researchers...

Insights on the ISMIR Reviewing Experience — Pa...
Last week, we discussed a survey that we circulated to meta-reviewers of the ISMIR conference. We presented the results of...